Terms and Conditions (Shop Rental)
By making a reservation on www.gravierski.com, via email, via the www.gravierski.com contact form, over the phone, in person at Gravier Ski Shop or by any other means where equipment is rented from Gravier Ski shop, you (‘Client'), and all other persons listed on the reservation with you as ‘Clients’ are entering into an equipment rental contract with Gravier Ski Shop.
The Client and all other persons listed on the reservation agree to the following terms and conditions:
a) Client cancellation - If for any reason the Client has to cancel part or all of a reservation then the Client must contact Gravier Ski Shop in writing either by using the website contact form or via email
b) Covid Clause- Reservations will automatically be cancelled by Gravier Ski Shop if:
i) The resorts of Morzine, Les Gets and Avoriaz are ordered to close for lift accessed snowsports activities by French National and/or Local Government
ii) Gravier Ski Shop is forced to close due to French National and/or Local Government introducing local and/or general lockdown measures which result in Gravier Ski Shop being unable to operate as a business
iii) Gravier Ski Shop will use the email address provided during the reservation process to contact all Clients with future reservations to confirm the cancellation
a) Gravier Ski Shop requires the lead Client for each reservation to provide an email address and a telephone number so that Gravier Ski Shop can communicate with the Client
i) Gravier Ski Shop will not use Clients contact details for any other reason unless the Client agrees to be contacted at the time of the reservation
b)The Clients must complete all mandatory fields in order to submit a reservation
c) The Client must provide accurate information when making a reservation
a) Gravier Ski Shop requires the Client to provide a date and time for their appointment at Gravier Ski Shop
b) Clients are able to collect their equipment from 12:00 (midday) prior to their first day skiing or snowboarding without being charged for rental
c) The Clients reservation is valid until 19:00 of the following date the Client has provided.
i) The Client does not need to contact Gravier Ski Shop if they are delayed and will not arrive at Gravier Ski Shop for their appointment until the following day (i.e. If the Client has booked to arrive at the shop Saturday at 17:00 but the Client’s transfer is delayed, the Client’s reservation is valid until Gravier Ski Shop closes at 19:00 on Sunday (the following day)).
d) If the Client will not be arriving at Gravier Ski Shop by 19:00 of the day following their reservation date, the Client must contact Gravier Ski Shop in writing either by using the website contact form or via email to let Gravier Ski Shop know the Client's new date of arrival
e) Covid Clause
i) Gravier Ski Shop will follow French National and/ or Local Government rules on the day of the Clients appointment to ensure that social distancing and any other applicable rules and/ or laws are abided to for the safety of both the Clients and Gravier Ski Shop staff.
ii) Gravier Ski Shop will abide by French National and/or Local Government rules regarding maximum clients in the shop
iii) Gravier Ski Shop may ask the Client when they arrive for their appointment to wait outside until capacity in the shop allows them to enter, even if this is during the time of their appointment
a) If the Client wishes to amend their reservation,
i) More than 72 hours prior to their appointment- The Client should use the link sent in the confirmation email to update their reservation details
1) If the Client is unable to access the link, they must contact Gravier Ski Shop in writing either by using the website contact form or via email
ii) Less than 72 hours prior to their appointment- The Client must contact Gravier Ski Shop in writing either by using the website contact form or via email
1) Clients should note that it is possible to make changes at the appointment however Gravier Ski Shop can not guarantee the desired equipment will be available
b) Gravier Ski Shop staff may make equipment recommendations to the Clients at the appointment. Any changes relative to the pre-booked equipment by the Client (deemed necessary by Gravier Ski Shop or demanded by the Client) to equipment category or equipment type which may result in an extra or reduced cost will be confirmed with the Client at the appointment.
c) If the Client has pre-booked and Gravier Ski Shop is unable to provide the equipment in the category booked, Gravier Ski Shop will either upgrade the Client to equipment in the category above at no additional cost or select appropriate equipment from the category below and only charge the Client the associated cost
i) Gravier Ski Shop does not reserve specific skis for each client due to the high turnover in equipment, especially during the weekend period.
d) If the Client wishes to not use their equipment for a day (or more) and does not want to be charged, they must return the equipment to Gravier Ski Shop on their last day using the equipment then return to the shop on the day they wish to re-rent equipment. Due to the high turnover of equipment Gravier Ski Shop is unable to guarantee that the Client will be able to rent the same equipment
e) Gravier Ski Shop reserves the right to charge according to the daily tariffs for any equipment that is not returned to Gravier Ski Shop by the Client by 19:00 on the final day of the rental period
a) Clients who have not pre-booked will be advised on the most suitable equipment by the Gravier Ski Shop staff based upon physical factors such as height and weight as well as factors discussed with the Client such as ability and terrain being explored
b) It is the Client’s responsibility to let the Gravier Ski Shop staff know if they want equipment from a certain category i.e. Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum. If the client does not request a specific category of equipment, Gravier Ski Shop staff will select the equipment which is most suitable for the Client and the Client will be charged the associated cost
c) If the equipment is not available in the Client’s requested category, the Client is liable to pay for equipment in the category that has been provided i.e. Gravier Ski Shop will not upgrade for free to the category above if equipment is not available in the category that the client wishes to select
a) The rented equipment is fully checked prior to each rental and is suitable for it’s appropriate use and as such, should only be used for its intended purpose
b) Equipment must be returned to Gravier Ski Shop in a condition consistent with normal usage otherwise the Client is liable to pay the associated fee for repair or replacement (See sections 8 and 9 for further information)
c) The Client is fully responsible for the equipment hired from Gravier Ski Shop for the duration of their rental agreement
d) The equipment rented by the Client must only be used by the Client whom it has been designated to
i) Gravier Ski Shop advises Clients to make a note of their equipment code or take a photo of their equipment for reference
ii) If a Client is unsure which equipment is theirs, they should speak to Gravier Ski Shop staff who will be able to check the equipment code designated to them
e) Covid Clause
i) Gravier Ski Shop staff will clean all boots and helmets with disinfectant spray after each use
ii) All boots are dried overnight on heated boot dryers
iii)Any other equipment cleaning protocols which are advised by French National and/or Local Government will be adhered to
a) Payment for equipment will be taken at Gravier Ski Shop
b) Gravier Ski Shop does not take a reservation or booking fee.
c) The price displayed on the Booking Reservation is for guidance only. As Gravier Ski Shop use a third party (JotForm) to host the booking system, Gravier Ski Shop is not responsible for any glitches which may change the prices from those on the price list. Rental will be charged in accordance to the Price List.
d) Gravier Ski Shop will take payment from the Client when they are issued with their equipment however Gravier Ski Shop reserves the right to take payment at any stage throughout the Client’s rental period
e) Gravier Ski Shop accepts the follow forms of Payment:
i) VISA debit or credit
ii) Mastercard
iii) Cash in Euros
f) Gravier Ski Shop does not accept the following forms of payment:
i) American Express
ii) Cheques
iii) Traveller Cheques
iv) Any other forms of payment that are not listed above as forms of accepted payment.
g) Clients are liable to pay for the equipment for the full number of days that they rent the equipment even if they choose not to use it for any reason. The number of days will be calculated based upon the first day that the Client will be using the equipment until the day they return the equipment to Gravier Ski Shop. (Section 3b applies).
h) Covid Clause-
i) If the French National or Local Government introduce local or general lockdown measures which result in Gravier Ski Shop being unable to operate as a business, Clients must return their equipment to Gravier Ski Shop as soon as possible but no later than 24hrs of the announcement
ii) If the resorts of Morzine, Les Gets and Avoriaz are ordered to close for lift accessed snowsports activities by French National and/or Local Government Clients must return their equipment to Gravier Ski Shop as soon as possible but no later than 24hrs of the announcement
iii) If Gravier Ski Shop has to close part way through a Client's rental duration, the client will be refunded and only pay for the days from the start of their rental until the day that the equipment is returned
iv) For all above scenarios, the client will be charged the daily rate for the equipment rented and not for the proportion of their rental agreement i.e. If a client rents an Adult Snowboard for 6 days (€80) and the client returns their equipment after 3 days, they will be charged €48 as per the daily charges and therefore refunded €32
a) Gravier Ski Shop strongly advises that the Client does not leave their rented equipment unattended for any period of time
b) Any loss or damage (intentional or unintentional) will result in the Client being charged the value to replace or repair of the equipment concerned
c) Any equipment that is not returned by the end of the rental period is considered lost or stolen and the Client will be charged for the value of its replacement
d) If a Client’s equipment is lost or stolen:
i) The Client should not take any other equipment even if they believe it has been left in place of theirs
ii) Gravier Ski Shop strongly advises the Client against using any equipment that has not been professionally adjusted to the Client’s measurements and other factors specific to the Client
iii) Gravier Ski Shop suggests that the Client takes a photo of the equipment which has been left including any branding, numbers, bar codes or logos on the equipment
iv) The Client should telephone Gravier Ski Shop to inform them that the equipment has been lost or stolen
v) It is the Client’s responsibility to make their way to Gravier Ski Shop
vi) Gravier Ski Shop will equip the Client with replacement equipment for the remaining duration of the Client’s rental period if the Client’s equipment has been lost or stolen
1) Gravier Ski Shop reserves the right to take a deposit for replacement equipment however the decision is Gravier Ski Shop’s and not the Client’s
vii) The Client has until the end of their original rental agreement to return the original rented equipment (as well as the replacement equipment (if applicable)) to Gravier Ski Shop to ensure that they are not charged for the replacement of the lost or stolen equipment.
e) If the Client returns other equipment to Gravier Ski Shop instead of the equipment they rented from Gravier Ski Shop, Gravier Ski Shop reserves the right to charge the Client the associated costs to return the equipment back to the shop they were originally rented from.
f) Gravier Ski Shop strongly advises the Client to contact their insurance company in the case of lost, stolen or damaged equipment.
i) It is the Client’s responsibility to request from Gravier Ski Shop the appropriate documents needed to enable the Client to make a claim with their insurance
g) Gravier Ski Shop reserves the right to charge the Client replacement costs for lost, stolen or irreparably damaged equipment. The costs are as follows:
i) Child Skis - €120
ii) Junior Skis - €180
iii) Teen Skis - €250
iv) Bronze Ski - €250
v) Silver Skis - €350
vi) Gold Skis - €500
vii) Platinum Skis - €700
viii) Junior Snowboard - €200
ix) Teen Snowboard - €250
x) Adult Snowboard - €250
xi) Child & Junior Ski or Snowboard Boots - €120
xii) Teen & Adult Ski or Snowboard Boots - €180
xiii) Poles (per pole) - €15
xiv) Helmets - €40
a) Gravier Ski Shop does not provide insurance for equipment that is hired from Gravier Ski Shop.
b) Clients should ensure that they are covered for the hire and use of the equipment rented.
i) See section 8 for more information
c) If the Client has to curtail part or all their rental for any reason (including but not limited to injury, accident or early departure) before the end of their hire period, they must return the equipment to Gravier Ski Shop at the earliest opportunity to avoid additional rental days being registered.
i) The client will be charge the daily rate for the equipment rented and not for the proportion of their rental agreement i.e. If a client rents an Adult Snowboard for 6 days (€80) and the client returns their equipment after 3 days, they will be charged €48 as per the daily charges and therefore refunded €32.
d) Snow sports are inherently risky and accidents can result in severe injury or death. Due to the influence of many factors involved in the pressures exerted on equipment during its use, or misuse, Gravier Ski Shop is in no way responsible for any accidents that may occur whilst using equipment that the Client has rented from Gravier Ski Shop.
e) If the Client becomes injured during the equipment rental period resulting in the rental equipment not being able to be used, it is the Client’s responsibility to return their equipment at the earliest opportunity to avoid additional rental days being registered. The client will then be refunded for the days they do not use the equipment.
i)The client will be charge the daily rate for the equipment rented and not for the proportion of their rental agreement as per section 9.c.i
a) All information collected from the Client when making a reservation will only be accessible to Gravier Ski Shop staff and for the purpose of Equipment Reservations
b) No information that has been collected during the reservation process will be shared with third parties
d) No bank details will be taken in the reservation process, all payments are securely taken at Gravier Ski Shop